
Sunday 27 May 2018

Quizzes for Internet Marketing in 2018

Unless you have been living under a rock this past few years, you will have noticed that quizzes have become pretty popular amongst the internet and affiliate marketing groups.

As an internet marketing guy myself, I wanted to take a quick look at the current state of quizzes for online marketing in 2018.

Maybe five years ago we would have struggled adding a quiz to our blog. You would have to spend may hours labouring over code in order to add this to your blog or website well.

In 2018 this has all changed though. We have had some pretty big new entrants in recent years. All of the products I mention below follow similar paths. They offer easy to use, intuitive and usually drag and drop interfaces. This means that making quizzes is a very simple process.

LeadQuizzes is a an example. After the success of LeadPages, the same company then started LeadQuizzes. This option is quite expensive, although it doesn offer something quite extensive.
It seems to be a trend now in internet marketing, where a lot of the important tools have been put behind rather expensive paywalls. When all this was new, you would find many offerings at a reasonable price. Alas, no more. Anway, I digress.

The LeadQuizzes website explains everything they have to offer in great detail, including how they are apparently endorsed by such industry heavyweights as Neil Patel.

Thrive Themes are another heavyweight option in this industry, having built up a reputation as making some of the best wordpress plugins for any self respecting affiliate marketer!

They made a wordpress plugin called Thrive Quiz Builder, which allows you to make online quizzes in a very similar way to the aforementioned LeadQuizzes.

However, this particular plugin is much more affordable than that option. OK, it doesn't offer all the functionality of LeadQuizzes but it does offer quite a bit for the lower price.

Most people making online quizzes for internet marketing purposes, would find this product more than enough I would imagine.

It offers you templates and ways to speed up the general quiz building process.

Thrive Themes have certainly lived up to their name by offering a high quality wordpress plugin here!

I have also heard of Outgrow, a company which also pride themselves on offering online quizzes. They state "Calculators & quizzes engage customers at a psychological level. This leads to record conversion rates of over 60% consistently!"

Outgrow seems to be more in the same realm as LeadQuizzes, offering what seems like a pretty extensive quiz building application. They are also equally as expensive as LeadQuizzes, so are not exactly the best option for new internet marketers or those on a lower budget.

I have never actually used this particular software, but from the look of their website it seems to offer quite a bit!

I have also heard rumblings of some new quiz building apps are coming out. One of these in particular is called Quizitri. After hearing about the whole Quizitri thing, I tried to search more about this product. To be honest, I couldn't find much as the software is not released at the time of writing.

The only information I could find was behind the scenes marketing bumph targeted at their future affiliates. Although, from this information, it seems they will have some pretty solid features upon release. And it appears they are going for a one off payment model rather than a subscription. This is news to my ears! Us internet marketers already have a load of expensive monthly subscriptions as it is! ha ha !

There are a few people out there starting to cover Quizitri, but as it is not yet released, they are only offering the basic features of the product right now. One example for this is available at this link:

Hopefully, upon full release we can see more information!

Anyway, I will end it there a try to keep you posted when I can!

I am busy though, so can't make any promises!!

All the best,

Sky High Internet Guy!